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Grey Lodge Wood


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About Grey Lodge Wood

A 9.8ha Tender Scheme winner in 1999, Grey Lodge Wood is immediately adjacent to Martinshaw Wood and Peartree Wood.

Together they form a continuous belt of woodland next to the M1 motorway. The key aim of this site is a visible, accesible wood with nature conservation interest. Planting comprises 80% broadleaves and 20% conifers and reflects the other woodlands in the area.

Existing field ponds adjacent to the boundary have been cleared by litter and debris. A new hedge along the northern boundary creates a wildlife corridor from Martinshaw Wood to the existing scrub woodland to the northwest and the existing hedge along the roadside. Permissive walking routes and a short horse route have been created. It is hoped to create a riding link between Martinshaw Wood and hence the other adjacent sites in the future.

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