Falls Prevention

Improve your strength and balance, and reduce your risk of having a fall, by following our top tips to stay active and stay steady.

Falls Prevention - Improving Strength & Balance

Doing regular strength exercises and balance exercises can improve your strength and balance, and reduce your risk of having a fall. It's important that a strength and balance training programme is tailored to the individual and monitored by an appropriately trained professional. You can watch this vido produced by Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR) Falls Prevention Group and this film demonstrates a series of simple exercises designed to help you improve your health and wellbeing and reduce your risk of falling.

Top Tips

Here are some top tips to help prevent falls.

Look after your feet

  • Make sure your shoes/slippers keep your foot firmly in place. Avoid narrow heels, open backs or worn soles

Stay Well

  • Eat healthily and regularly and always take your medicines on time and as prescribed.

Look after your eyes

  • Have your eyes tested regularly – it's free if you're over 65

Stay active, stay steady

  • Be active – try to do 30 minutes of moderate activity every day to help you maintain balance and muscle strength – this could be split into 3 x 10 minute sessions across the day

Look after your home

  • Replace worn floor coverings, remove clutter and ensure your home is well lit

Take a look at some of the Key Moves

Strength and Balance apps

To improve strength and balance it's key that you undertake exercises at home, if you can do so in a safe environment. If you have a mobile phone or smart tablet there are several free apps that have been developed to help reduce the risk of falls and physical decline in older people.