Leicestershire Sport & Physical Activity Commissioning: 5 Years On!

Posted: Mon, 15 Oct 2018 08:00

Leicestershire Sport & Physical Activity Commissioning: 5 Years On!

It was agreed that LRS would become the 'lead commissioner' for the sport and physical activity programme and that a new, integrated, approach to the commissioning of sport and physical activity should be adopted. This new approach would secure shared outcomes for all partners, build on existing local partnerships and provide a strong platform to develop an integrated commissioning model.

The vision was to move from a broad universal offer of sport and physical activity to an approach that was targeted to those sectors of the community who currently do very little or no physical activity. The offer would complement the universal offer typically provided in more formal settings. The guiding principles of the commissioning plan were as follows:

  • Target those of greatest need
  • Use an evidence based approach
  • Work in partnership
  • Adopt a life course and whole system approach

Alongside the guiding principles, the commissioning plan outlined priority work areas which localities had to demonstrate they were delivering against.

Examples included:

  • School sport and physical activity programmes
  • Least active children, young people and adult programmes
  • Physical activity referral programmes
  • Older people programmes
  • Campaigns

Tags: Active Lifestyle, Featured, News, deliver sport