Dept. of Education Updated Guidance (Jan 2021)

Posted: Fri, 8 Jan 2021 13:30

Dept. of Education Updated Guidance (Jan 2021)

The January 2021 update of the Department of Education "Restricting attendance during the national lockdown: schools Guidance for all schools in England" document gives clarity (pg. 41) on how external providers can support wrap-around and holiday provision for critical worker and vulnerable children.

"Schools should continue to offer wraparound provision, such as breakfast and afterschool clubs, for those children eligible to attend school (i.e. children of critical workers and vulnerable children and young people). Resuming this provision is important to ensure that parents and carers who are critical workers can continue to work, as well as to provide enriching activities for vulnerable children that improve their wellbeing or support their education.

Schools should also work closely with any external wraparound providers which these pupils may use, to ensure as far as possible, children can be kept in a group with other children from the same bubble they are in during the school day."

Please click here to access the full guidance.

Tags: Active Professionals, Active Schools, Business, SOS