Introducing our Active Together Champion, Colin!

Posted: Fri, 7 Jan 2022 13:00

Introducing our Active Together Champion, Colin!

Colin was never really into sports growing up, and felt limited due to his disability, however that all changed in 2010 when he discovered his love for indoor bowls.

Colin is now a member of Melton and District Indoor Bowls Club as well as an ambassador for Disability Bowls England and MISPA (Melton Inclusive Sport and Physical Activity). Colin uses a wheelchair on the bowls green and a special stick for balance, which means he can play at the same level as anyone else.

Colin believes that being physically active is great for people struggling with mental health issues, as it has both huge physical and social benefits! He has found that playing bowls has given him the focus that was needed to help his depression.

You can read more about our local Champions here.

Tags: Active Inspiration, Bowls, News, Partners, Public