Introducing our Active Together Champion, Sam!

Posted: Tue, 11 Jan 2022 13:00

Introducing our Active Together Champion, Sam!

Since 2019, Sam has gone on a journey to vastly improve his physical and mental wellbeing, and is doing so through his love for being active.

Sam suffers from eczema and became self-conscious about his skin, which prevented him from joining a gym or a sports club. However, Sam decided to make a change to his lifestyle. Sam changed to a healthy diet and started exercising at home, which has improved his self-confidence greatly.

Eating a healthy diet combined with being active has enabled Sam to become more confident in himself, and now he wants to help inspire others in a similar position to do the same.

Sam is now part of both football and touch-rugby clubs, and values that being active has helped him manage his anxiety.

You can read more about our local Champions here.

Tags: Active Inspiration, Gym, News, Partners, Public