Access Sport - Building Stronger Communities playbook

Posted: Sun, 1 Sep 2024 11:00

Access Sport - Building Stronger Communities playbook

Access Sport has commissioned the University of Bath to explore how grassroots sport clubs can provide young people with a sense of belonging and strengthen communities.

Launched in July 2024, Building Stronger Communities emphasises that by prioritising community engagement and creating a sense of belonging, community sport clubs can maximise other wider social outcomes, including improved health, wellbeing and life prospects.

Carried out via a survey and interviews with community sports clubs in Bristol, London and Manchester, the report calls on the sport sector to reevaluate community sport clubs' ability to strengthen underserved communities.

Key findings:

  1. Community sport challenges the traditional idea that communities are solely defined by place or locality
  2. Sense of belonging and community underpin the wider transformational benefits of sport
  3. Clubs provide essential opportunities for young people to have positive and safe social interactions
  4. Clubs have a positive impact on parents/guardians as they enable them to socially interact with one another
  5. Sense of belonging extends beyond the boundaries of a community club.

To support sport and exercise providers, Access Sport have also developed a playbook that accompanies the report. This playbook informs community sport clubs practices and ensures a sense of belonging and community engagement are embedded in their approach. You can find out more below.

Source & Image: Access Sport

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