5 Home Countries- Response to Racism

Date Published
Jun 2021
Document Type
Social & Community*, Strategy & Policy
Geographic Area
Early Years, Children & Young People, Older Adults
This report provides a glimpse into the lived experiences of over 300 ethnically diverse participants engaging in sports and physical activities across the UK. The stories are broad-ranging and illustrate the everyday realities of grassroots participants and supporters, the Sport Workforce, elite performers and leaders.

The five UK Sports Councils have jointly commissioned this lived experience study in their collective determination to have a sporting system which is genuinely inclusive and properly reflective of UK society.
• The study is one of two distinct pieces of work. The other focused on reviewing and analysing data around race and ethnicity in the Sport Workforce.

The Councils' wanted to know:
• Whether across the sector, they and their organisations are doing enough to understand the issues and context they are trying to change.
• Whether the sections of British society and communities they aim to reach and engage with can trust them and their organisations to be part of the solution.
• Whether they and their organisations are doing enough to tackle the challenges in terms of actions and outcomes.

AKD Solutions have conducted a lived experience research project that provides:
• Increased understanding of the extent and impact of racism on individuals involved in sport and how it affects their lives and life choices
• Increased understanding of the above impact on sports generally, potentially resulting in lost talent, a diminished talent pool and other missed
• A roadmap for building trust between Black and Asian communities and sports bodies, as an essential foundation for leading and achieving a racially inclusive sports sector.