Active Together Annual Review 23/24 Case Study - Melton Sport and Health Alliance

Date Published
Aug 2024
Document Type
Case Study
More Info
News, Partner, Public
Health & Wellbeing*, Physical Activity
Geographic Area
Leicestershire, Leicester & Rutland*
Sport / Activity
Swimming, Exercise Class
The Let's Get Moving Melton Day event encouraged residents to 'move more, more often' and enabled them to take part in up to 30 beginner physical activity taster sessions throughout the day.

The Let's Get Moving Melton Day was held in July 2023 at Play Close, Melton Mowbray. The event encouraged residents to 'move more, more often' and enabled them to take part in up to 30 beginner physical activity taster sessions throughout the day. These were delivered by local instructors, community groups and sports clubs, as a mechanism to encourage residents to access the various physical activity pathways after the Let's Get Moving Melton Day.

Prior to the event, targeted communication about the day took place within priority neighbourhoods, for those who are likely to be facing health inequalities. Feedback after the event was positive, with a number of instructors stating that they have seen throughput from the day to their physical activity sessions.

This Case Study is taken from the Active Together Annual Review 23/24. The document provides a snapshot of the work of the Active Together Board, team and partners and what we have done in partnership to encourage the communities in Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland to be physically active and move more. You can read the full version here -