Welcome to the Research and Evidence Portal. Here you will find a catalogue of relevant national and local physical activity and sport literature made up of reports and case studies that allows users to search by key themes, location, date and age. You can also find a number of practical toolkits and guidance documents to support the marketing and promotion of your programmes and campaigns.

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"Boys will be boys" - Creating a new generation of male allies for girls in sport

Mar 2024

Women in Sport

This report outlines insights from the Women in Sport research project with primary school boys to understand their attitudes towards girls in sport.

#OurSwimStory - Executive Summary

Nov 2023

The Black Swimming Association (BSA)

The BSA commissioned #OurSwimStory: A conversation with Black and Asian communities about aquatic activity and water safety, in response to the underrepresentation of people of African, Caribbean, and Asian heritage in swimming and aquatics, and their lack of water safety knowledge, which places these communities at high risk of drowning.

1000 Young Voices: Youth Insight Summary Report 2023

Sep 2023

In order to better understand the key issues and the similarities and differences amongst young people from low income households, StreetGames commissioned Platypus Research. This document provides some of the initial headline findings from this research.

5 Home Countries- Response to Racism

Jun 2021

This report provides a glimpse into the lived experiences of over 300 ethnically diverse participants engaging in sports and physical activities across the UK. The stories are broad-ranging and illustrate the everyday realities of grassroots participants and supporters, the Sport Workforce, elite performers and leaders.

A Level Playing Field- PE Research Review

Mar 2022


Ofsted has published its research review into Physical Education (PE), the latest in a series of reviews into different subjects across the curriculum.

A national plan for sport, health and wellbeing

Dec 2021

The House of Lords

The Committee on a National Plan for Sport and Recreation has published its report calling on the Government to establish a national plan for sport, health and wellbeing.

Act Now: Musculoskeletal Health Inequalities and Deprivation Summary

Mar 2024

Arthiritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance (ARMA)

This report highlights the key social and economic factors that impact poor MSK health, including poverty, education, employment and environmental and dietary factors that discourage physical activity and a healthy diet. While the NHS can address some of these issues, it cannot alone eradicate inequalities in MSK health.

Active Lives Adult Survey - Coronavirus Report (Mid-March to Mid-May 2020)

Oct 2020

Sport England

This is an additional report to supplement the full 12 month Active Lives Adult Survey - May 2019/20 Report. It exams the impact of Covid-19 restrictions on adults' (16+) activity levels during the eight weeks from mid-March to mid-May 2020.

Active Lives Adult Survey - May 18/19 Report (LRS Summary)

Oct 2019

Active Together

A local summary of the findings from Sport England's Active Lives Adult survey (three and a half years of data), providing an updated overview of adults’ (age 16+) sport and physical activity levels and volunteering engagement both nationally and locally in the 12 months from May 2017 to May 2018.

Active Lives Adult Survey - May 2018/19 Report

Oct 2019

Sport England

This report provides a comprehensive overview of adult (age 16+) sport and physical activity in England in the 12 months from May 2018 - May 2019. It also highlights the contribution made by volunteers, and the impact of taking part in sport and physical activity on wider outcomes.