Bad day at the office

Bad day at the office

Posted: Tue, 30 Nov 2021 18:19 by Katie Ricketts

Bad day at the office

Hi, I am Katie. I am one of the Active Together Champions based in Charnwood.

Becoming and staying active has been instrumental in improving my mental and physical wellbeing. I also work with adults with mental health issues, so I see first hand how exercise is beneficial across the board in all types of mental illness and distress.

There's something about this time of year. Dark when you go to work, dark when you get back. A lot of people find their mood slipping and their motivation decreasing at this time of year. And how cold was the weekend!! Seriously hibernation weather.

Today it's been a bit milder, but I had a dreadful day at work. The sort of day when all you want to do is come home and get in your pyjamas.

With the benefit of experience I know that ultimately that'll make me feel worse, so today when I got home I had words with myself, got changed (not into my pyjamas!) and made myself go for a walk in the dark. Result = better mood, less stress and a better sleep later on.

Start small - promise yourself that you'll do 10 minutes of exercise and then I guarantee you'll start to build on that and be so proud of yourself.

Tags: Active, Active Together Champions, Health, Wellbeing