Safeguarding and Welfare in Sport & Activity

Do you have concerns about the welfare of a child, young person or adult? Or do you want to know more about safeguarding and welfare? This page provides key contacts, information and resources.

Active Together is committed to promoting the safety and welfare of children, young people and adults at risk, engaged in sport and physical activity across Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland.

Phone 999 if a crime is being committed or if a child or adult is in immediate danger. Contact Leicestershire police on 101 if you think a crime has been committed but there is no immediate danger.

If you are concerned about a child's welfare, or you believe they are suffering abuse or neglect (a child is defined as anyone who has not yet reached their 18th birthday)

Leicestershire First Response Children's Duty Team

Leicestershire First Response Children's Duty Team

Call 0116 305 0005 where you will be able to speak to someone about your concerns. You do not need to know everything about the child. You may just be worried or feel that something is not quite right. You will be able to remain anonymous if you wish.

0116 305 0004 (24 hours)
Leicester Children and Young People's Service

Leicester Children and Young People's Service

Call 0116 454 1004 where you will be able to speak to someone about your concerns. You do not need to know everything about the child. You may just be worried or feel that something is not quite right. You will be able to remain anonymous if you wish.

0116 454 1004 (24 hours)
Rutland's Children's Duty Team

Rutland's Children's Duty Team

Call 01572 758407 (or 0116 305 0005 out of office hours) where you will be able to speak to someone about your concerns. You do not need to know everything about the child. You may just be worried or feel that something is not quite right. You will be able to remain anonymous if you wish.

01572 758407 (office hours). Outside of these hours please call 0116 305 0005

If you are concerned about an adult's welfare or think they may be a victim of neglect or abuse

Leicestershire Adult Social Care

Leicestershire Adult Social Care

Call 0116 305 0004 (office hours) and 0116 305 0888 Emergency Duty Team if you are concerned about an adult's welfare. You do not need to know everything about the situation or what is happening. You may just be worried,or feel that something is not right.

If it is safe and you are able to do so, please ask for the adult's consent to share information.

0116 305 0004 (office hours) Out of Hours Emergency Duty Team 0116 305 0888
Leicester Adult Social Care

Leicester Adult Social Care

Call 0116 454 1004 (24 hours) if you are concerned about an adult's welfare. You do not need to know everything about the situation or what is happening. You may just be worried,or feel that something is not right.

If it is safe and you are able to do so, please ask for the adult's consent to share information.

0116 4541004 (24 hours)
Rutland Adult Social Care

Rutland Adult Social Care

Call 01572 758341 (24 hours) if you are concerned about an adult's welfare. You do not need to know everything about the situation or what is happening. You may just be worried,or feel that something is not right.

If it is safe and you are able to do so, please ask for the adult's consent to share information.

01572 758341 (24 hours)

Guides for Coaches/Leaders and Clubs/Organisations

The NSPCC Child Protection in Sport Unit have designed different posters for Clubs & Groups to signpost everyone to who they can talk to if they have a concern. The posters have been designed to be printed, filled in, and put up around your organisation.

Club Matters have been working with expert partners to update their existing website content on safeguarding. With the support of the Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU) and the Ann Craft Trust (ACT), the following resources are now available:

Training & Guidance



Active Together Safeguarding Policies

Noel Haines

Noel Haines

Strategic Lead / Assistant Director

Active Together

I am working flexibly in the office or at home, therefore please contact me via email or phone number provided.

My areas of responsibility are:

- Strategic Management & Business Planning
- Key Stakeholder Liaison
- Financial Management & Compliance
- Safeguarding Lead

01509 467482
07775 025168
Geoff Maltby

Geoff Maltby

Active Together

Strategic Lead

I am currently remote working, so please contact me via email/mobile phone (where provided).

My areas of responsibility are:

- Supporting Children & Young People
- Primary Sport Premium Advisor
- School Sport & Physical Activity Network (SSPAN) Development
- Strategic Management & Business Planning
- Place based support for Charnwood, Hinckley & Bosworth, Melton & North West Leicestershire
- Supporting lower socio economic groups

01509 467489
Gillian Haluch

Gillian Haluch

Sport Welfare Officer

Active Together

I am working flexibly in the office or at home, therefore please contact me via email or on the phone number provided:

- Place based support for Leicester City
- Supporting ethnically diverse communities

01509 467491
Active Together

Active Together

SportPark, Loughborough University, 3 Oakwood Drive, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 3QF
01509 467500