Could you be a Let's Get Moving Champion?

Share your story to help others to become more active!

Share your story to help others to become more active!

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Active Together works with local organisations to help the people of Leicestershire, Leicester, and Rutland (LLR) to get moving a little more. We, along with our partners, are here to support our residents on their journey to being healthier and happier by moving more in their own way.

To help us inspire the communities of LLR to get active, we recruited volunteer Champions, who have been the face of our programme, and who help us to share the message far and wide that moving more is good for you.

We would now like to seek more individuals and groups who would like to join us to share their stories and become 'Let's Get Moving Champions'.

There are so many ways to move more and be active and we are looking for those who do this in their everyday lives...

  • People living with long term health conditions who help to manage their condition by being active
  • Be it walking the children to school
  • An older person who enjoys getting active to improve their physical and mental health
  • Voluntary work
  • A disabled person who would like to share their story about overcoming barriers to physical activity and sport
  • Playing with the grandchildren
  • People living with a mental health problem who feel that they benefit from getting active and would like to inspire others
  • Gardening at home or a local allotment
  • People facing barriers to physical activity - for example access to leisure facilities, cost of activity, equipment or confidence to get started
  • Cycling or walking with friends and/or family
  • Helping someone to walk their dog - the list is endless!

We'd also like to hear from those who have started a new activity such as running, perhaps a Couch to 5K or something which will support a health condition/recovery from illness; or, making the most of the brighter lighter days to get out in the fresh air.

To help spread the positive messages of being active as far as possible, Champions of all ages, from all backgrounds and cultures, and all abilities are needed as well as families, groups and clubs.

We are also looking for families & community groups

This isn't just for individuals but can be done as a group or family.

Community clubs can play their part too by promoting the benefits of their activities such as the social aspect along with being active. There is no age limit to this as we are looking to reflect all age groups who can inspire others to get moving.

Criteria & Role Expectation:

  • Applicants under 16 years will need the consent of their parent/guardian.
  • Live, work or attend a physical activity/sport group/club in Leicestershire, Leicester City, or Rutland
  • Share your story and motivations on being active along with an image and be happy for this to be shared.
  • Update us every couple of months on how you are getting on.
  • Be willing to share information/social media posts from us to help us reach our communities.

Interested? Take a look at the Information Pack and the Application Form is below should you wish to apply...

Alternatively if you would like to speak to someone, please ring us on 01509 467500 and someone will get back to you.

Information Pack

The Information Pack provides further information on the Let's Get Moving Champions Programme, including the full role criteria and expectations.

  • Let's Get Moving Champions Information Pack

Application Form - Microsoft Word Version

Use this version if you would prefer to print out the application form or complete it in Microsoft Word, and send it to us (via email or post).

  • Let's Get Moving Champions Application Form

Application Form - Online Form

Let's Get Moving Champions Application Form

Let's Get Moving Champions Application Form

Please complete the below online application form. To be completed by Parent/Guardian if under 16. 

Please note there is no saving function with this form, therefore if you part-complete the form and return at a later point it will not be saved. Please complete the whole form and submit.

*= compulsory question

Please add by DD/MM/YY

Please tick all that apply.

i.e. social media (which platform), newsletter etc.

(if completing this on behalf of a family or group/club, please indicate the group/club/family name)

Briefly detail your current experience with physical activity e.g. the activities that you enjoy, how you fit activity into your daily life (e.g walking the dog, cycling to work, gardening, attending evening activity sessions), any barriers or challenges you might have faced to being active (e.g. time, caring responsibilities, confidence), the benefits you gain from being active (both physical and mental) OR if you are currently inactive, what are your motivations for becoming more active and why would you like to document your journey with us? In addition please outline any long term health condition which may have affected your drive to be active or been a challenge.

Expectations/Role Description and Consent

Expectations/Role Description and Consent

Expectations/Role Description 

- Commit to providing a bi-monthly blog/update on how you’ve been active, what motivates you, any barriers or challenges you might have faced, and how you have overcome these.

- Share images (videos optional) of you being active, if you are happy to.

- Engage with Active Together on social media (if active and aged 13 years+) and be willing to share posts to your feed to help us reach our communities.

- Support relevant local events if able/want to.

Photography/Video/Footage/Captured Experiences Consent


If you are successful, Active Together would like to use/ take photographs/video/live stream footage of participants related to the Let's Get Moving Champions Programme.


The images/footage either submitted by yourself, or taken of you by Active Together or a partner* organisation, will be used for the promotional use of the Let’s Get Moving Champions Programme, and other Active Together/partner work that focuses on promoting, celebrating and enabling physical activity and sport across Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland.


These images/ footage, alongside your name/ district and captured experiences may appear in Active Together and partners internal and external promotional materials such as hard copy and online publications, videos, online Image Gallery**/photo galleries, on websites, social media platforms, apps and in the media. Please note that websites can be viewed throughout the world, not just in the United Kingdom where UK law applies.


Images/footage will become the property of Active Together and partner organisations. I understand that the images/footage may be edited, copied, modified, exhibited, published or distributed and I waive the right to inspect or approve the finished product. I also waive the right to any royalties or other compensation arising or relating to use of the images / footage. I understand that these images/footage may continue to be used until I advise otherwise.


*Could include, but not limited to Leicestershire, Leicester & Rutland Local Authorities, School Sport & Physical Activity Networks, community/local/regional/national sport/physical activity organisations/clubs/groups.

**Local partners can register to access imagery as part of Active Together’s Image Library.

Please select one of the consent options below. (If under 16, I am the parent/legal guardian of the person named and consent).

Handle or @username

Active Together take your privacy seriously and we, along with Local Authority Physical Activity & Health Teams will only use your personal information to administer the Let’s Get Moving Champions Programme or Local Authority Physical Activity & Health Teams equivalent Champions Programme. We will collect and process data in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018. For more information please view our Privacy Policy at

We'd love to keep in touch with you about local physical activity, sport and wellbeing information and opportunities through our email newsletters. If you are interested in receiving these from us and being registered on our website please opt in below. You can opt-out at any time by using the unsubscribe option at the bottom of the newsletter.

For more information or if you require any document/form in an alternative format or language, please contact:

Josh Denham-Swift

Josh Denham-Swift

Marketing & Communications Officer

Active Together

I am working flexibly in the office or at home, therefore please contact me via email or phone number provided.

My areas of responsibility are:

- Programme, Website, Social Media & E-Comms Support
- Let's Get Moving

Favourite Sporting Moment – Didier Drogba's winning penalty in the Champions League Final against Bayern Munich in 2012.

Favourite Quote/Moment – "It's hard to beat a person who never gives up" – Babe Ruth

01509 467478