Being the best version of yourself!

Being the best version of yourself!

Posted: Wed, 26 Jan 2022 10:12 by Katie Ricketts

Being the best version of yourself!

Before I hit 50 I think I was blissfully unaware of problems I might face being a woman in her 50s and entering the menopause. I think there is still so much stigma attached to this time in a woman's life and it is difficult to discuss it with even your closest friends.

I think the main issues for me have been an increase in anxiety and poor sleep. I am also aware of how easy it can be to put on weight, how aches and pains increase, and your bones start becoming weaker.

All of these issues can be significantly helped by exercising. Anything is useful- a walk, a cycle, some weights or stretching.

Look on local notice boards or in local news magazines, or Google, to find free or cheap activities near you. Councils run activities too. Enlist your friends, family or dog (or put your headphones on and listen to some good tunes) and get out there.

For me, my sleep is better and I feel less anxious. Physically I feel better. I want to stay well for myself and my family and making exercise part of my routine is an essential part of this.

Tags: Active Together Champions