Keeping fitness fun!

Keeping fitness fun!

Posted: Fri, 10 Nov 2023 16:05 by Miss Jasmine Bannister

Keeping fitness fun!

A huge part of my life is now my community fitness classes (I almost can't remember life without them!) and I believe attending group fitness classes are an amazing way to make friends and get active. I have been attending group exercise classes myself for around 12 years now and have met some amazing friends from the classes!

Just after lockdown, I decided it was time to make my passion a career on the side and took the plunge to become a qualified Zumba and then later on group exercise instructor. It was the best decision I have ever made!

I myself know how hard it can be to get out of the house (especially in the colder and darker months in the Autumn/ Winter!) but I also know how AMAZING you feel once you have attended a class. I try to keep things fun and upbeat and Halloween was an amazing time for fun workouts! Did you know how much fun you can have exercising with a pumpkin?

I posted the idea to my members and told them all to bring a pumpkin (if they could) to our usual Legs, Bums & Tums session. Teamed with 45 minutes of Halloween music (Ghost Busters & Thriller to name a couple) we worked out together and with our pumpkins! Squatting & tapping the pumpkin, lunging with the pumpkin & even planks with the pumpkins! Smiles were seen throughout the room & we all had fun. The 45 minutes flew by!

Next up is Christmas and I have been asked what the next prop will be for our Christmas themed workout. I am slightly stuck on this one so if anybody has any ideas let me know!

Tags: Active, Active Together Champions, Exercise, Health, Well-being, community, communityfitness