Leicester Tornadoes Korfball Club

Braunstone Leisure Centre
2 Hamelin Road

Contact Information
LCKC admin email

About Leicester Tornadoes Korfball Club

Leicester City Korfball Club is a sports club with a 15 year history. We play korfball, a sport originating in the Netherlands that is a fun and friendly sport with mixed men and women teams.

Never heard of it? Find out more!

We are an active community as well as a successful club, fielding two competitive teams in a range of local and regional competitions.

We have people who have played for 10 years plus and those that have just started. We've grown over the years, made friends for life and played some wonderful korf, winning local leagues, tournaments and earning our position in the top few teams in the Midlands.

But we are proud of other things too - like holding one of the UK's best tournaments, going on tour and taking Korfball into Leicester City Centre.

It's up to you how much you play. Every chance you get or pop along when you fancy it - our club's for everyone.

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