Menopausing Yoga Workshop

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Menopausing Yoga Workshop

This menopause awareness workshop gives women the opportunity to share experiences, learn, make informed choices, as well as feel a sense of community.

Hotpod Yoga Leicester, Ground Floor, Anup House, 31 St John Street, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE1 3WL

Menopausing Yoga Workshop

This workshop includes:

  • Perimenopause and menopause - What's the difference and what are they?
  • Symptoms - Most of us have heard about (or experienced!) hot flushes but what are the other symptoms that are often overlooked?
  • An introduction to HRT (hormone replacement therapy) – science-based evidence, plus alternative/natural remedies
  • A specifically tailored yoga practice to support women going through perimenopause and the menopause. This will include breathing techniques and mindful meditation exercises to help manage some of the main symptoms such as hot flushes, anxiety, irritability, insomnia, fatigue, lack of concentration and low mood.
  • Delicious and nutritional snacks to finish.

'Paula has over 400 hours of teacher training. It was her own menopause journey that led her to train further so she could help, educate, and empower other women. Paula is a fully accredited menopause yoga teacher delivering workshops throughout Leicestershire. She is currently working with 'Active Together' spreading the word and getting women experiencing the menopause, more active.'

Hosted at Hotpod Yoga in Leicester. Hotpod has 3 changing cubicles, 2 toilets & 2 showers.


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