Mental Health Awareness Week 12 Minute Movement Movement And Mental Health

Mental Health Awareness Week 12 Minute Movement Movement And Mental Health Banner

Mental Health Awareness Week 12 Minute Movement Movement And Mental Health


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Activity Information

Mental Health Awareness Week runs from Monday 13th-Sunday 19th May 2024.
This years theme is Movement - recognising the effect movement or lack of it can have on our mental health as well as our physical health. Join this short session to explore movement for mental health.
Movement can help our bodies cope better with stress, help regulate our hormones which can lead to better sleep, assist and improve brain function which can lead to better mood, and reduce brain fog and it can help prevent many illnesses and diseases or assist in managing symptoms including diabetes, stroke and cancer - which negatively affect our mental health and that of those around us.

This session may have ended
Sport / Physical Activity
  • Mental Health Awareness Week - £1 Donation 12,minutes of movement £1.00
  • Mental Health Awareness Week - donation for 12,minutes of movement £2.00

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Before taking part in any activities listed here, Active Together and borough lead partners strongly recommend that you make appropriate checks to ensure high quality provision and a safe environment is provided. Active Together and borough lead partners accepts no liability (to the full extent permitted by law) for the quality of the activities provided.