Confidence, Classes and the Village People

Confidence, Classes and the Village People

Posted: Wed, 26 Jan 2022 19:35 by Samantha Heap

Confidence, Classes and the Village People

Confidence is a huge barrier for many people looking to start exercising in a group, especially for women. I think all of us have a bad experience with large groups of women and the 'mean girl' mentality. So the thought of joining a class can be seriously intimidating.

But let me tell you a secret. Most classes are LOVELY. Its groups of like minded people getting together to try and improve their health.

If you're nervous about attending a class, then why not try some of the following:

1. Take a friend - always good to have a buffer!

2. Talk to the instructor beforehand - if other instructors are anything like me - they will happily talk your ear off about their classes, and do everything they can to make you feel comfortable.

3. Stalk the socials - you can tell a lot about a class or instructor by their vibe on social media, and often they have chat groups where you can quietly lurk until you decide to attend a class. I like to call my clients The Village People.….

4. Feel the fear and do it anyway - if you go along to a class and hate it, you don't need to go back! We are adults in control of our own destiny!

And a final point. You don't need expensive gear to fit in. Whether its supermarket leggings or the most expensive on the market, they're still only there to cover your bum.

Tags: Active Together Champions