Get Your Coat You’ve Pulled (A Muscle)

Get Your Coat You’ve Pulled (A Muscle)

Posted: Mon, 14 Feb 2022 17:27 by Samantha Heap

Get Your Coat You’ve Pulled (A Muscle)

If you're embarking on a new fitness regime, or you exercise regularly, you are never going to be immune from injury. Even with proper warming up and cooling down and activity appropriate to your ability and fitness, you may still find you tweak a muscle, or wake up with a niggle.

Last week before filming an online class, I pulled my hamstring. It's been threatening for a while, and it finally went. I had to quickly change the plan for the class and proceeded to moan about it all through the class.

Luckily, it was nothing major, and after a week of taking it easy when demonstrating exercises, it feels pretty much ok. However I have definitely had to scale back my activity which is always a bit disappointing.

If you find yourself in my situation, please don't try and push through. Assess the pain and if needed, you should seek medical advice. Don't be tempted to push through pain as you could end up in an even worse position.

Your body is so incredible and it is important to listen to it. I know is can be really disheartening when you're in a great routine with exercise, but depending on the injury, you can still keep active in a different way.

Tags: Active Together Champions