Fitness for All

Fitness for All

Posted: Fri, 10 Jun 2022 12:32 by Samantha Heap

Fitness for All

So apparently June is going to go as quickly as the rest of the year!

Life has been totally crazy. The kids are enjoying their first year of school in a while that hasn't been affected by the pandemic, and my business is going from strength to strength.

Thanks to an opportunity given to me by a friend who is changing her working hours, I will be setting up my first postnatal exercise class. I qualified in this last year but hadn't got round to launching that aspect of my business. When my friend suggested filling her slot I jumped at the opportunity!

After having 3 children myself I felt a little like 'well here's my mum bod. Thats just me now.' However knowing what I know now, I wish I could go back and have a word with myself. Pregnancy takes a hard toll on the body and can often create issues that a lot of women just live with. However it is possible with the help of the right professionals to rectify these issues and continue to be as active as you were before pregnancy.

Postnatal classes are so good for mums to take part in some self care, stimulate baby and also meet other like minded mum.

If you have just had a baby make sure you look into joining a class. You really won't regret it!

Tags: This Girl Can