Finding my fitness routine as a first time Mum!

Finding my fitness routine as a first time Mum!

Posted: Thu, 5 Oct 2023 19:01 by Miss Jasmine Bannister

Finding my fitness routine as a first time Mum!

I have always exercised and love to work out! When I had my daughter back in April, I wondered how I would fit it into my schedule. To my surprise, it hasn't been as hard as I would've thought and it has been amazing for my recovery and mental health. A great organisation that has allowed me to meet new friends and keep active is the Active Mums Club. I first joined the Everads Meadows walk and actually turned up on my own (despite being a tiny bit nervous). On my first sunny walk, everybody was super friendly and we all went for a Jennos coffee after (the best!). As the summer went on, they have ran free Wednesday workouts which I even did in the rain! Each week I met more Mum's and have now made a few great connections from these events. Thank you Active Mum's Club!

As well as this, I have been studying towards my pre and post natal fitness course so that I can be educated in pre and postnatal fitness and this has helped my recovery so much. I have been busy planning postnatal workouts for other Mums to try and can't wait to launch my classes! My aim is to provide a warm and welcoming class where you can bring your baby without the fear of them crying/ making noise. It will also be great to allow more Mum's to find their fitness in the postnatal period and make new friends at the same time.

I definitely think fitting in exercise to my daily schedule with a baby has been the key to my physical recovery and to helping my mental health too. If you can give it a go, definitely do!

Tags: Active, Active Together Champions, Mental Health, This Girl Can, Wellbeing, activemumsclub, communityfitness, firsttimemum