Getting outside in Charnwood

Getting outside in Charnwood

Posted: Tue, 14 Nov 2023 14:47 by Heidi Elliott

Seagrave Challenge

Seagrave Challenge is a 16 mile run/walk around the Charnwood area - this year the course covered Hoby, Thrussington, Shoby and Ratcliffe along roads and fields. The challenge is ran by local groups with money raised staying in the local area. A unique part oft his event is the food: cake stops ran by local organisations (often WI) plus soup and crumble/custard at the end of the route. It's not all about the food but it certainly helps with motivation!

Previously, I had attempted to run the event but this year I decided to walk it with a friend. I had underestimated that walking it would be just as tough as running - over 5 hours of exercise! What I gained from walking it compared to running was the mental health benefits: time to talk and time to take in the area I was walking through. It gave me a great chance to catch up with my friend whilst challenging me as I often avoid exercising with others for fear or not keeping up & feeling awkward.

It's a great event if you want a challenge to work towards in 2024.

Tags: Active Together Champions, Mental Health, This Girl Can, Walking