Moving Mums

Moving Mums

Posted: Mon, 8 Jan 2024 12:11 by Miss Jasmine Bannister

Moving Mums

As a first time Mum, I fully understand the struggles of being able to exercise whilst looking after a baby. It's a challenge! As soon as I was pregnant, I knew I wanted to become qualified in postnatal and prenatal exercise. Whilst on maternity leave, I made it my mission to complete my pre and postnatal exercise qualification to educate myself in training women whilst pregnant and after birth. Birth is such a huge thing for our bodies to go through and it is so important to train carefully afterwards.

Back in November I set up my Moving Mums instagram and Facebook group as a place for Mums to communicate with each other and then launched my official classes in January. Every Thursday at 10am we come together, bring our babies and have a fabulous 45 minute workout! I have to say, it is definitely a little more chaotic than my evening adults fitness classes but it is so much fun and it is so inspiring to see the Mums working out with their little ones by their side.

As well as my classes, I've set up a monthly buggy walk around Blaby which is absolutely free to attend with your baby/ child/ toddler as a way for Mums to get outdoors, get some fresh air and meet new Mums! We launched our first walk this Friday and it was a great turnout! If you are a Mum/ Grandparent/ auntie/ uncle/ Dad- feel free to join us on our next one! A walk and talk is a great way to start your weekend. I hope to see lots more at our next one on February 2nd!

So, thank you to the Mums who have joined me in our classes and walks so far this month. I can't wait to see where 2024 takes us and our Mum meet ups!

Tags: Active, Active Together Champions, Exercise, Walking, community, communityfitness, mumandbabyworkouts, postnatalfitness, socialfitness