Meet Vijay

Vijay's health and fitness helped him quickly recovery from a cardiac arrest.

Vijay from Charnwood

Being physically active has always been a part of Vijay's lifestyle, as he would regularly take part in football, swimming, squash, boxing, as well as weight training in local gyms. Vijay found enjoyment in being active and didn't even consider all the physical and mental health benefits that came with it.

In June 2022, whilst taking part in a charity event held at an army barracks, Vijay suffered a cardiac arrest. He was airlifted to hospital, and two days later had a triple by-pass surgery. Whilst recovering in the ICU, the doctors commented on Vijay's fitness and physical condition, stating that regular physical activity had helped save his life and reduce the severity of the cardiac arrest.

Due to being fit and healthy, Vijay was discharged five days later. After recovering at home for six weeks, he attended an eight-week rehabilitation programme at Loughborough University, which helped him both physically and mentally in rebuilding his confidence. In November 2022, Vijay rejoined his local gym, and in January 2023 returned to regular Jiu Jitsu classes.

Vijay has no doubt that being physically active played a massive part in surviving the cardiac arrest and ensuring he had a safe and relatively quick recovery and encourages people to start being active in a way that suits them and their lifestyle

Do you want to be active like Vijay?