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Movement Park

Clydeway House
813 South Street
G14 0BX

Contact Information
Rhiannon Parry
0141 434 0002

About Movement Park

Based in our converted warehouse in Whiteinch, Movement Park is an innovative multi-activity facility, delivering a wide range of movement competency based activities that will provide a strong solid base for life-long participation in sport.

Movement Park is an innovative multi-activity facility that was set up following the 2014 Commonwealth Games to create a legacy to inspire more Glaswegians to engage in different types of physical activity.

Our mission is to create a thriving community through the establishment of a hub that is warm and welcoming, allowing creative opportunities to move more and sit less; to develop friendships; experience engagement; and offer many chances for personal and social development.

Stephen Somerville said:

"I believe that staying active can truly change people's lives and Movement Park is all about helping those within our local area embrace an active life. My vision is to create a culture where sporting activity is a part of everyday life with appropriate coaching at every stage of the community pathway

We're in a position to be something really special - positively influencing the general wellbeing of G14 and the city of Glasgow. I live and grew up in the local area, so it's an area close to my heart. It's taken a lot of work to get where we are; but well worth it. What we urgently need is the right support to keep going, and down the line, be able to bring some more of the many ideas for Movement Park to life."

The information contained on this website has been provided by third parties (activity providers) independent of Leicester-Shire & Rutland Sport (LRS) and lead data collection partners in each borough. It is the responsibility of each activity provider to ensure that information relating to their activity / facility remains up to date and accurate. Leicester-Shire & Rutland Sport (LRS) and lead data collection partners in each borough accepts no liability for any illegality arising from error or omissions or inaccuracy in such material and take no responsibility for such material.

Before taking part in any activities listed here, Leicester-Shire & Rutland Sport (LRS) and borough lead partners strongly recommend that you make appropriate checks to ensure high quality provision and a safe environment is provided. Leicester-Shire & Rutland Sport (LRS) and borough lead partners accepts no liability (to the full extent permitted by law) for the quality of the activities provided.