Active Tots (For Professionals)

Information for Childcare Professionals including local events/courses, our Conference and Healthy Tots accreditation.

It is so important that children under the age of 5 are staying active on a daily basis. The national recommendation by the Chief Medical Officer's states that:

  • Under 1 should be doing at least 30 minutes of physical activity across the day (tummy/floor time)
  • 1-5 years should be doing 180 minutes (3 hours) of physical activity per day.

This will help with their physical, mental and social development.

Physical development is critical during the first five years of life. It is well documented that higher levels of physical activity in childhood can lead to continued participation in later life. It is important to establish high levels of physical activity as early as possible to encourage children to stay active enough to benefit their health and to support continued interest and participation throughout adult life.

Across Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland we are committed to driving the Early Years Physical Activity agenda forward. We work closely with a range of partners to provide local support around this agenda.

This section provides information, support and guidance for childcare professionals with; local high quality training opportunities, the Early Years Conference, Newsletter, Healthy Tots accreditation, and resources on physical activity.

Early Years CPD Opportunities

We organise exciting high quality training course opportunities and an annual Conference with Awards, that Early Years practitioners or anyone that works with children under the age of 5 can access.

Our Purposeful Physical Play Training (PPP) is our main training course for Early Years Practitioners or anyone who works with under 5's.

What the training will offer you:

  • On-going support from experts in the field
  • Access to a comprehensive resource bank
  • Practical ideas on how to create positive enabling environments & providing positive activities for babies, toddlers and pre schoolers
  • Practical evidence based ideas on how to engage with parents in purposeful physical play

If you would like to help your children learn to love being active, improve their health and learning prospects and demonstrate your commitment to – this training is for you!

Opportunities currently available will be listed below.

Courses & Workshops - Early Years Physical Activity

Early Years Physical Activity: Rethinking Outdoor Spaces in the Early Years

Early Years Physical Activity: Rethinking Outdoor Spaces in the Early Years

Tue, 10th Sep 2024 (18:00 - 20:00)



Outdoor experiences offer rich opportunities for learning, often in more varied and more physically challenging ways than indoors.

For more information and support, please contact:

Lucy Baginskis

Lucy Baginskis

Development Manager

Active Together

I am working flexibly in the office or at home, therefore please contact me via email or phone number provided.

My areas of responsibility are:

- Steady Steps (Falls Prevention)
- Active Tots (Professional) / Active Tots
- Social Prescribing
- Place based support for Blaby/Oadby & Wigston/Harborough/Leicestershire & Rutland
- Supporting people with long term health conditions

When I'm not working - I'm walking the dog, out with family and friends (eating or drinking) or playing the odd bit of netball

Favourite Sporting Moment – Dame Kelly Holmes winning her double gold medal at Athens in 2004

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