Take The Lead

Posted: Fri, 29 Dec 2017 10:39

Take The Lead

The 'Take the Lead' project was established to address the shortfall of women in leadership and coaching roles within Leicester-Shire and Rutland.

The Muslim women on the 'Take the Lead' programme have been extremely passionate about becoming good coaches and being positive role models for their daughters and fellow mothers in their community. Their motivation is to encourage their families to lead active and healthy lives.

The Coaching Development Manager at LRS has been supporting the Muslim women from Oadby Community Mosque to: Understand their experiences and the barriers, shape a flexible delivery model for the women to become leaders/activators, provide various opportunities for the women to access leadership and activator type qualifications (working with NGBs locally), create a long term workforce group plan for the women at the Oadby Mosque.

The women so far have completed the following workshops; Table Tennis Activator, Cricket Coach Support worker, Seated Physical Activity exercise and a Badminton Smash UP Activator.

A Saturday morning session called 'Active I' runs every fortnight where 15-20 local young girls and their mums attend and participate in a physical activity session.

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