Why you school should register to the Daily Boost!

Posted: Wed, 1 May 2019 08:00

Why you school should register to the Daily Boost!

According to the CMO guidelines children and young people should take part in appropriate physical activity every day and should minimise the amount of time spent sitting for long periods of time.

To maintain a basic level of health, children and young people aged 5 to 18 need to do...

At least 1 hour of physical activity each day. This can be playing tag with friends, walk/cycle/scoot to school, helping with some household chores(!) or sports such as gymnastics or tennis. 30 minutes of their daily target can and should be achieved at school.


  • At least 3 days a week of exercises for strength and balance for their muscles and bones, such as skipping, hopping and swinging on playground equipment.

The benefits they (and you) will feel include...

  • Improved attention levels at school
  • Develops coordination
  • Strengthens muscles and bones
  • Maintains a healthy weight
  • Sleep better zzz...
  • Improved mood and feel good

The Daily Boost aims to encourage children and young people to do 15 minutes of organised activity at school every day. This could be before school, at lunchtime, after school, or during the school day in an 'active lesson'. Children and young people could walk, run, skip, hop or jump around a set lap or loop at school. Or simply do their favourite sport or activity that gets them active – dancing, cycling, scooting, anything!

The Daily Boost is free* and all schools and early years settings will receive resources and rewards and access to this website to log all activity on the Boost Tracker!

It's so simple to get involved! When your school registers, you will instantly gain access to our resources, track your class's activity and improve productivity levels in class!

So far across Leicester-Shire & Rutland, we have over 35 schools already involved! Boost your day with #LLRDailyBoost!

Why you school should register to the Daily Boost!

Tags: Active Schools, Get Active, News, featured