New Guidance - Adult Safeguarding during the Coronavirus Emergency

Posted: Mon, 20 Apr 2020 16:25

New Guidance - Adult Safeguarding during the Coronavirus Emergency

By operating virtually, running online sessions and not being able to see members and volunteers face-to-face, clubs and organisations are having to adapt to very different circumstances right now. However, this does not lessen their Safeguarding responsibilities – instead, there are a number of new considerations that need to be thought about.

To help, the Ann Craft Trust has created a new guide for sports clubs and organisations to help them understand their Adult Safeguarding responsibilities during this period. This new resource includes an overview of actions clubs/organisations can take to make sure they are providing as much support as possible for members. You can access the new guide here:

From advice about checking how procedures may have been impacted locally to guidance on what should be considered when delivering virtual sessions, the guide is really valuable and we hope you will be able to share it with your colleagues and any clubs/groups you work with! Social media posts have also been included in the attached to help you share this resource.

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