Leicester Outdoor Pursuit Centre installs the first Seabin in our local area

Posted: Mon, 7 Sep 2020 14:45

Leicester Outdoor Pursuit Centre installs the first Seabin in our local area

LOPC have recently become part of the Seabin Project by installing a water bin in the River Soar, in order to reduce litter in their water source.

The Seabin has already collected shocking amounts of plastic. It has already collected bottles, cans, chocolate bar wrappers, crisp packets and hundreds of pieces of small plastic. Judging the amount of litter that has already been collected, the bin will have to be cleared between 2-4 times a day.

LOPC are looking for volunteers who would like to help manage this project, in addition to looking for organisations who would like to sponsor the running costs. They're looking for organisations who would be able to donate £250 / quarter or £1000 / year to help contribute to reducing litter in the River Soar.

Image source: Leicester Outdoor Pursuits Centre

Tags: Environment, Water Sports