Evidencing the need for Funding in an Application

Posted: Fri, 15 Jul 2022 14:44

Evidencing the need for Funding in an Application

Funders are always keen to fund projects in deprived areas, but how do you know how deprived the area you are working in is?

Two useful Indices of Deprivation tools have been developed to help organisations with this. Areas are categorised on a scale of 1 to 10 (with decile 1 being the most deprived, and 10 being the least deprived).

The first is a Heat Map and the second is a Postcode Checker Both give information to show how deprived an area is and its decile on a scale of 1-10. Sport England refer to this in their Queen's Platinum Jubilee Activity Fund.

There is also the Research and Evidence Portal, within our Insight Hub. Which can help you and your organisation by providing the ideal underpinning stats and facts.

Remember: statistics are great but knowing your community and consulting with them is crucial for funding applications. To view these click the links provided.

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