Coaching the Person in Front of You Workshop

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Coaching the Person in Front of You Workshop

Discover how to be truly person-centred, putting participants’ feelings, thoughts, ambitions and motivations at the heart of everything you do

Teresa Dalby / / 01509564888

Coaching the Person in Front of You Workshop

Coaching is all about people. This workshop will give you a deeper awareness of why great people skills are an intrinsic part of being an effective coach. Ultimately, the more coaches understand and connect with people they coach – by observing, noticing, and communicating – the more they will be able to support them and help them thrive.

You will explore these three core principles – understand, connect, and thrive – in greater detail by engaging in and reflecting on a range of interactive activities that demonstrate how a commitment to taking a genuine interest in the person behind the performer is crucial in developing a lifelong love of sport and physical activity in your participants.

You Will Learn

how to develop and model a person-centred philosophy and hone your soft skills to enable you to have the greatest possible impact with your participants.

strategies and tactics to help you identify a person's individual needs, motivations and goals using the understand + connect = thrive framework.

to become an expert in people so that whatever your objective, you can provide the most engaging experiences for your participants.

The course has been awarded 2 CPD points by the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA).

Cost: £17

Following this workshop, Active Together will be hosting an optional lunch time virtual (zoom) drop-in session on Thursday 11th November from 12:00-12:45. This is your opportunity to discuss open and honestly how you have applied your learning since the workshop took place, develop working relationships with individuals who have attended the same training and what further support you may need to sustained delivery in this area.

If you would like to book onto this free session, please email Luke Green ( to receive your zoom link.




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