Developing an Inclusive Workforce Online Workshop with Inclusive Employers

Developing an Inclusive Workforce Online Workshop with Inclusive Employers Icon

Developing an Inclusive Workforce Online Workshop with Inclusive Employers

Working closely with our partners at Inclusive Employers, this workshop will support you to develop a greater understating and take the first practical steps towards developing a more diverse workforce.

Luke Green / / 07753166415

Developing an Inclusive Workforce Online Workshop with Inclusive Employers

Who are Inclusive Employers?

Established in 2011, Inclusive Employers are experts on workplace inclusion. They are the first and leading membership organisation for employers who are committed to prioritising inclusion and creating truly inclusive workplaces. In inclusive workplaces all employees are valued and contribute towards the success of their organisation.

Why are we running this session?

Embedded in both the Active Together 10 Year Framework and Sports England's 10 Year Strategy to "Unite the Movement," tackling inequalities across sector is one of the primary focuses. To support this we need a workforce that is both skilled and representatives of the communities within Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland. Diversifying our professional work force will develop sustainable career pathways and create a more inclusive environment for all.

This workshop will identify the benefits to organisations of employing a more diverse workforce. The workshop will bring to life through practical examples, the advantages of a diverse workforce and help equip you to feel more confident to take the next steps to becoming a more inclusive employer.

Session Outcomes

- Bring greater awareness to the benefits of a diverse workforce.

- Bring together a community of organisations who will be going on this journey together.

- Attendee's to be empowered to take practical action to employ a more diverse workforce

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to make contact with Workforce Development Officer Luke Green (07753166415

NOTE: Please be aware this session is separate to the Inclusive Employers Workshop that is taking place face to face at the 2022 Active Together Conference on the same day. If you are part of the conference delegation and already attending the workshop then this session will not be applicable to you.


Developing an Inclusive Workforce Online Workshop with Inclusive Employers Thursday 7th April 15:15-16:30 on Zoom



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