Overcoming Barriers To Engagement

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Overcoming Barriers To Engagement

Join the National Academy for Social Prescribing to explore how to support people to engage with the activities that can improve their wellbeing.

Overcoming Barriers To Engagement

Join the National Academy for Social Prescribing (NASP) to explore how to support people to engage with the activities that can improve their wellbeing, and how to address barriers that's top them from taking part.

About this event

All NASP webinars have closed captions and live BSL interpretation as standard.

Overcoming barriers to engagement in social prescribing activities is essential to ensure people are able to fully benefit. From making your project as welcoming as possible, to working with volunteers who can 'buddy' people when they first join, and how to promote your activities so they reach the right people.

This webinar brings together expertise and lived experience from those who have found innovative and effective ways to reach people in communities, and supported them to take part.

Speakers from the voluntary and health sectors will highlight some of the main barriers they've addressed and share examples and best practice of how they have been overcome in a social prescribing context.

What will you learn/hear?

  • What are the main barriers to engaging in social prescribing, and who is particularly affected?
  • What approaches can projects and places take to overcome these barriers?
  • What practical steps can you take to help people access your activities?

Who is it for?

Anyone developing activities in which some people may struggle to engage, or anyone interested in learning tips and approaches from projects around the country. You might be from a community or voluntary group, a charity, the NHS, or a local authority.

Who will be speaking?

  • Chair: Ingrid Abreu Scherer, Head of Accelerating Innovation at the National Academy for Social Prescribing
  • Karen Ironside from Transitions UK which supports vulnerable and disadvantaged 14-25 year olds and especially those with learning disabilities or who are leaving care, those at risk of offending or exploitation or who have mental health and emotional needs. They provide support, mentoring and personal development that changes young lives who have futures across the UK.
  • Jo Stapleton who has been the Manager of the Ageing Better in Camden Outreach Service and was involved in developing the Warm Welcome approach as well as other innovative work to reach and engage older people from Age UK including older men and council tenants.
  • Jenny Hartnoll, Service Lead, Health Connections Mendip Development Lead, Social Prescribing, NASP (National Academy of Social Prescribing) - Jenny will talk about the multitude of different barriers that there are and how, through her work in Frome, they have responded to them. Jenny will speak from a bird's eye view of the barriers in a positive can-do way.


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