Supporting Refugee’s Webinar

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Supporting Refugee’s Webinar

Join the National Academy for Social Prescribing in collaboration with NHS England, for this webinar which will focus on the practical ways to support people seeking sanctuary from war and persecution.

Supporting Refugee’s Webinar

The war in Ukraine has forced over three million people to seek refuge in other countries, and around 200,000 are estimated to be taken in to the UK over the coming weeks and months. Along with refugees from other conflicts around the world they are likely to face months of uncertainty, fear, and anxiety.

How can link workers, community groups, and the wider social prescribing sector support refugees?

In this webinar you'll hear about voluntary sector projects to support refugees, advice for link workers on working with refugees, and what to expect and prepare for in the coming months and existing resources you can access to help build your knowledge , skills and confidence when working with refugees.

This webinar will cover:

  • Overview of current refugee situation
  • What's happening to support refugee's, examples of good practice
  • The Ukraine situation
  • Actions you can take to support refugees
  • Tools and resources
  • Q&A


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