Health Inequalities – Wellbeing through food

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Health Inequalities – Wellbeing through food

This webinar will look at the role of social prescribing in supporting health inequalities and wellbeing through food.

Health Inequalities – Wellbeing through food

Join the National Academy for Social Prescribing (NASP) to explore the role social prescribing can play in supporting health and wellbeing through food - ranging from food poverty and hunger to confidence and cooking skills.

Food is essential to human health and wellbeing. Not just good nutrition, and food security and skills, but also as a way to connect people to each other. The soaring cost of living is amplifying health inequalities across communities, with material pressures like food and fuel having detrimental effects of people's wellbeing.

This webinar will look at the role of social prescribing in supporting health and wellbeing through food. Whether by addressing food poverty and hunger (especially in the run-up to the school holidays), improving confidence and skills in growing and cooking food, or food as the glue that brings communities together, we'll hear from experienced and new projects from across the country.

This webinar is part of NASP's social prescribing and health inequalities series.

What will you learn/hear?

An introduction to projects which are focusing on food support, wellbeing, hunger, and using food to bring people together and provide enjoyment and companionship.

  • How social prescribing projects can help address food insecurity
  • The role of food in supporting social connections and community belonging

Who is it for?

Anyone developing activities around supporting food inequalities and wellbeing, interested in learning tips and approaches from projects around the country including community or voluntary groups, charities, the NHS, or local authorities.

Who will be speaking?

  • Chair: Dave Solly, National Lead for the Natural Environment , National Academy for Social Prescribing (NASP)
  • We'll hear from community groups doing it in practice.
  • A food bank type project
  • A growing project

All NASP webinars have closed captions and live BSL interpretation as standard.


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