Club Matters: Financial Sustainability Workshop

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Club Matters: Financial Sustainability Workshop

Although managing the day-to-day finances of your club can seem a daunting or tedious task, this workshop will support you to identify financial objectives that will help your club become more financially sustainable and resilient.

Club Matters: Financial Sustainability Workshop

Although managing the day-to-day finances of your club can seem a daunting or tedious task, this workshop will support you to identify financial objectives that will help your club become more financially sustainable and resilient.

Workshop outcomes:

By the end of this online workshop, delegates will be able to:

  • Understand the importance of financial sustainability
  • Understand the principles of good financial management to aid financial sustainability
  • Have gained an understanding of different income generating models for clubs
  • Established SMART financial objectives linked to what your club wants to achieve


Delegates must be:

  • a minimum of least 16 years of age
  • able to communicate effectively in English
  • representing an English club or organisation.

Online requirements:

In order to access this workshop online, delegates will be required to:

  • Have access to a laptop or tablet. A smartphone device is accepted but functionality can be limited. The device must have access to a microphone as the sessions will be interactive.
  • Have good WIFI access
  • Have access to an environment with limited distractions which is conducive to learning
  • Be able to log into the workshop 10 minutes ahead of the designated start time.


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