Introduction to Writing Funding Applications

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Introduction to Writing Funding Applications

This session will explain what is required in a basic funding application. It will explain some of the jargon that crops up when applying for funding and provide you with some tips on how to give your application the greatest chance of success.

Introduction to Writing Funding Applications

During this training course we will explore some of key terminology used by funders and featured in funding applications such as aims, inputs and outcomes, look at the importance of preparation, project planning and demonstrating need. We will also look at tools to source funding opportunities and the support available to you from Voluntary Action Leicestershire.

Who this training is for?

This session is of an introductory level and would be of particular help to anyone with limited or no experience of applying for or securing grant funding. Newly appointed members to organisations with responsibilities for fundraising, trustees of organisations with less experience of completing applications or representatives who had been given responsibility for making their organisations more sustainable.

Training outcomes

To discuss the importance of having a clear project idea & project planning
To define what is meant by an aim, an outcome and an objective
To explain what funders are looking for in an effective application
To discuss what support exists to help with your application

How to access the training

This training will be delivered online via Zoom; once attendees have booked via Eventbrite, they will be sent the Zoom link the day before the training

Please note, this training is free of charge to groups within Leicestershire who have County beneficiaries. Groups with solely City beneficiaries, or from outside Leicester are still welcome to attend, but a charge of £30.00 per attendee will apply.


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