What's New in Marketing - Evolving your marketing strategy for a post-pandemic world

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What's New in Marketing - Evolving your marketing strategy for a post-pandemic world

In times of crisis, marketing communications is more important than ever, It must, however, pivot to reflect the new world around us - and that means knowing what to say and how to say it, but also when to say it and through which channels.

0116 366 8487

What's New in Marketing - Evolving your marketing strategy for a post-pandemic world

In this engaging and interactive workshop, Lindsey Newman-Wood will explore the changes in customer buying habits, emerging trends and how to ensure you target the right customer at the right time with the right channel.

The workshop will include real-life examples of how brands have pivoted their business model and marketing and the session includes opportunities to discuss ideas with other delegates.

What will be covered?

  • What's new in marketing and emerging trends
  • Creating a customer avatar for your business
  • How to apply the new trends and what marketing channels to use
  • Predictions for the future of marketing

This event is fully funded and FREE for you to attend. In return, the Growth Hub ask for a few minutes of your time to complete an SME Enrolement form, if your business has not done so already.


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