What can be done to tackle fraud and support its victims? - Webinar

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What can be done to tackle fraud and support its victims? - Webinar Icon

What can be done to tackle fraud and support its victims? - Webinar

In this webinar, which is part of our Victims Webinar Series, we asked what can be done to tackle fraud and support its victims.

What can be done to tackle fraud and support its victims? - Webinar

Fraud is a complex issue which, as the UK's fastest rising crime type, requires a multi-agency and collaborative approach to tackle. This webinar will look at the issue of fraud from a variation of different perspectives.

We will discuss how individuals can best protect themselves against fraud and scams, how organisations like Catch22's Victim Services (Hertfordshire Beacon Victim Care, Nottinghamshire Victim CARES and Leicestershire Victim First) work to support victims of fraud, what the police response to fraud is and how it is investigated, and how the government can implement better policy to stop fraud at its source.


  • Simon Miller, Director of Policy and Communications at Stop Scams UK, and
  • Michael Parsons, East Midlands Regional Policing Lead for Cyber and Economic Crime, and
  • Eva Hunt, Senior Caseworker at Nottinghamshire Victim CARE.


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