VAL: Meet the Funders - Harborough

VAL: Meet the Funders - Harborough Icon

VAL: Meet the Funders - Harborough

Meet local and national funders who are actively investing in community groups in your area. Find out how VAL can help you to succeed in your future bids.

Sutton Elms Baptist Church, 2 Sutton Lane, Harborough, Leicestershire, LE9 6QF

VAL: Meet the Funders - Harborough

Session 1: 1:30-3:30pm

Session 2: 4:30-6:30pm

The Leicestershire VCSE Funding Fair is a face to face event and all Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise organisations based in the county are invited to attend and speak to local and national funders who are actively investing in community groups in your area.

The Funding Fair will give you the opportunity to:

  • Float your ideas past potential funders
  • Learn about current funding programmes
  • Find out how VAL can help you to succeed in your future bids

There are 5 confirmed funders who will give presentations and offer some 1:1 appointments:

  1. Leicestershire & Rutland Community Foundation
  2. Severn Trent Community Fund
  3. Sport England
  4. The National Lottery Heritage Fund
  5. The National Lottery Community Fund


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