
Active Mums Club Follow Up Survey

Active Mums Club Follow Up Survey

Dear Active Mums Club member,

You are receiving this survey as you signed up for the Active Mums Club since our club started in January 2023.

We are conducting a follow up survey to understand the impact of the club to date and how we can improve our services to help more women be active throughout pregnancy and the post-natal phase of their lives.
By completing this survey and opting in, you are in with a chance of receiving prizes from , which will be drawn on Friday 23rd February 2024.

Prizes are as follows:

All vouchers will be from


Terms and conditions: All entries are limited to one per person. The survey will close at 23:59 on Thursday 22nd February 2024. Winners will be contacted via email if successful on Friday 23rd February. Only registered Active Mums Club participants are eligible to be entered into the prize draw. You must opt in and leave your email address at the end of this form to be entered into the prize draw.

Please be honest with your answers, the more accurate information we get from you the better we can make our programme for our women in Leicestershire!

We thank you in advance for your time, and good luck for the prize draw.

Leanne and Emily
Active Mums Club

We will only use this information to understand the areas where people live, to help plan where future provision would be most beneficial. It will not identify your house.

Physical Activity Questions

Please include sport, fitness and recreation activities, and brisk walking or cycling for any purpose, but do not include physical activity that is part of your work.

This refers to exercises that made your muscles feel some tension, shake or feel warm and includes activities such as lifting weights, sit-ups, yoga, carrying heavy bags or digging the garden.

Mental Wellbeing Questions

On a scale of 0-10, where 0 is not at all satisfied and 10 is completely satisfied.

On a scale of 0-10, where 0 is not at all happy and 10 is completely happy.

On a scale of 0-10, where 0 is not at all and 10 is completely worthwhile.

On a scale of 0-10, where 0 is not at all anxious and 10 is completely anxious.

Active Mums Club Communications
The questions below are all about The Active Mums Club.

Please select all that apply.

Strongly agreeAgreeNeither agree nor disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagree
More empowered to make informed choices about physical activity when pre or post natal
I have become more active
I have become less anxious
I have made new friends
YesNoNot sure
Attended a new class
Attended an in person Active Mums Club event
Taken part in an Active Mums Club online event

Active Together and Leicestershire County Council take your privacy seriously and will only use personal information to administer and evaluate the Active Mums Club.

We will collect and process data in line with the Data Protection Act 2018. For more information, please view our privacy policies here: and

Please see prize draw terms and conditions in the statement at the top of this webpage.