Active Together forms part of a network of 43 Active Partnerships, who are locally led, not for profit, strategic organisations covering the whole of England, bringing together people and partners to increase physical activity levels. Active Together is also 1 of 130 "System Partners" part funded by Sport England to affect system-wide change, to level up access to physical activity and sport and play its part to deliver the national 10-year strategy Uniting the Movement. Active Together works with local system partners, including local authorities, Public Health teams, NHS and the voluntary sector to lead the strategic direction and delivery of physical activity.
A core team of staff is based at SportPark, Loughborough University and is managed by the Active Partnership Director, John Byrne. Leicestershire County Council host the Active Together core team, which operates across Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland. The team are positioned within the Council's Public Health Directorate. As a hosted partnership, the employees observe the terms and conditions, policies and practices of the local authority.
The work of the Active Together core team is directed and overseen by its Board. The Board is responsible for setting the strategic direction of Active Together, providing leadership and acting as the ultimate decision-making body. In addition, the Board is responsible for overseeing the establishment of annual budgets and the production of medium-term financial projections, as well as evaluating the organisations overall financial performance. The Board consists of a balance of Members that are both representative of the local physical activity and sport sector and those that are independent of the sector and partnership. The Board meets 4 times a year.
The AT Board has appointed a Business Oversight and Audit Committee. The fundamental role of the Committee is to provide guidance and scrutiny on Policy, Governance, Finance and Performance Management related issues. The Business, Oversight and Audit Committee meets 3 times a year.
Active Together Board Governance Summary 2023
At its February 2023 meeting, the Board noted and approved of the progress made by the Business Oversight and Audit Committee and SLT to produce evidence that sets out how Active Together complied with the new and amended requirements of the UK Code of Sport Governance. The Board appointed Aysha Rahman as its Welfare and Safety Lead.
The Board, supported by SLT subsequently submitted evidence to Sport England in April 2023 to demonstrate its compliance with the Code. A Governance Action Plan was developed following dialogue with Sport England and further evidence and supporting statements submitted. Sport England confirmed in January 2024 that Active Together was compliant with the new and amended Code criteria.
The Board acknowledged its responsibility to produce a Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) and appointed Joanne Cholerton as its Inclusion Lead to oversee its development and production. A "development timeline" was implemented before Board approval and submission of a final draft DIAP in February 2024. Please see below for a draft version of the DIAP.
The following three priorities were approved by Board:
- Build a more diverse workforce, from Board representation through to our volunteer base, which is more reflective of the communities we serve.
- Advocate and celebrate our diverse communities – build a strength-based approach to promote the power of physical activity with our underserved communities
- Improve the access to physical activity opportunities for people from underserved communities.
In July 2023, Active Together published its annual review, capturing the work of the Board, core team and partners, during April 2022 to March 2023. The report sets out how we have focused our resources on tackling inequalities, reducing physical inactivity and working in place. Page 23 of the report demonstrates our financial headlines and our audited accounted income and expenditure for the financial year 2022/23.
The Board maintained an Internal Controls Framework and during 2023 reviewed and approved:
- Sponsorship Policy
- Business and Continuity Plan
- Succession Plan
- Reserves Policy
- People Development Plan
- Risk Management arrangements
The Business, Oversight and Audit Committee meets 3 times a year and the full Terms of Reference for the Committee can found below.
The Active Together Board also has the powers to appoint a Nominations Committee who would be responsible for appointing new Board Members. A full list of Board Members and Advisers can be found here
AT is in receipt of public funding from Sport England and as such, it should meet the mandatory requirements of the UK Code for Sport Governance. As a regular receiver of funding, AT is required to meet the top level of mandatory governance requirements required by the code. AT currently meets all requirements of the code. The AT Board have developed an Internal Control System that provides a framework and timescales for its policy reviews, performance management and financial management procedures. It also presents a framework for the AT Board to utilise to ensure its ongoing compliance the UK Code for Sport Governance.
Diversity Inclusion Action Plan (PDF, 4.7 Mb)