
Resources to support early years practitioners plan and coordinate appropriate physical activity play opportunities and environments.

Physical Activity Resources for Early Years

The UK Chief Medical Officers' physical activity guidelines reinforce the importance of physical activity by providing recommendations on the frequency, intensity, duration and types of physical activity required for health benefits.

We have produced a localised Physical Activity Guidelines for Under 5s Leaflet, from of the Chief Medical Officer's Infographic explaining the physical activity needed for general health benefits.

The Physical Activity Guide for Early Years Practitioners is to support early years practitioners plan and coordinate appropriate physical activity play opportunities and environments for children under 5.

They will help practitioners meet requirements of various UK curriculums, particularly those relating to physical development within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).

Our 'Let's Get Moving' leaflets for parents provide top tips and advice on how to encourage 0-5 year olds to be active in the home environment.

Physical Activity Guidelines for Under 5s

Let's Get Moving Resources