5 ways to keep that New Year's Resolution

Posted: Fri, 27 Jan 2017 11:45

5 ways to keep that New Year's Resolution

With almost a full month of 2017 gone (no really, check the calendar), those New Year's Resolutions must be going fantastically. Or maybe you've put it to the back of your mind or completely given up on it already. Don't worry, it happens to us all.

If you're one of those who went into 2017 with the intention of starting a sport or getting fit, chances are things haven't started too well. But fear not, because it's never too late to turn things around. Follow these steps and make 2017 your year.

1. Do it as a group

When it comes to sport and physical activity, you can go down two different paths. One of those is to do it alone – go to the gym by yourself, talk to nobody, go home. And for some people that works a treat. But the other path is far more effective when starting something new, and that is to do it with others. Friends and likeminded people help to provide inspiration and focus, spurring each other on to make sure you choose a run over a bowl of crisps and a night in front of the soaps.

2. Set realistic targets

We all want to be world beaters at something as soon as we start, but these things take time. Sport and physical activity is incredibly difficult to maintain, so make sure your targets are things you can achieve. If you've never played cricket before, chances are you will get bowled out 98 times out of 100 in the nets - the other two will just bruise you. But making small targets will help you to see the improvements you can make, all the time doing things at your own speed.

3. Talk

It's no good keeping a NYR to yourself because let's face it, you want to brag about how well you're doing. But also, you're more likely to keep it up if people know that you're doing it. If you know that keen runner Colin goes for a run every day after work by himself, ask him if you can come along. Tell people how things are going. Because as with point 1, it's good to share experiences with other people.

4. Buy things

When you put money on something, you don't really want to lose it. Say you've booked a holiday and don't end up going, you know you've lost hundreds of pounds that could have been spent elsewhere. So go out and buy yourself some new trainers or sports equipment, because you will feel their glare until you finally use them. As bad as it sounds, shame yourself into something and chances are you will carry it on.

5. Give yourself incentives

Exercising is all about willpower and if you don't have any, you'll probably struggle. But if you try to give yourself incentives to exercise, you could be onto a winning formula. Go for a run and you deserve that chocolate bar or say that each five mile bike ride equates to £5 towards that new jacket you've been longing for. We all need incentives from one time to another. Even professional footballers need them – they get win and goal bonuses when they're on upwards of £100,000 A WEEK.

Tags: Active Lifestyle, Be Active, Featured-bigger, Get Active, News