J and S Day Service

Posted: Fri, 21 Sep 2018 07:30

J and S Day Service

Oadby & Wigston Borough Council and Leicester City Football in the Community Trust have been working in partnership with 'J and S' Day Service, who provide support to adults with a dementia related illness. The programme has helped participants to become more physically active. Initially, a sports coach delivered 10 weeks of games such as kurling, boccia and skittles, which were very well received by all the participants. Not only did the individuals benefit from being active, but it was a great opportunity for the staff members to be upskilled in delivering physical activities themselves.

The Oadby & Wigston Borough Council Health and Leisure Team have loaned equipment to 'J and S' so they can continue to deliver daily sessions after the
funded programme finished. The programme has had a fantastic impact on the participants and has enabled individuals to undertake a new weekly experience,
develop a sense of achievement, interact as part of a team and reduce anxiety levels. It has also resulted in positive behaviours, which many of the participant's families haven't seen for a long time.

"I haven't seen my mum be so active for a long time."

Daughter of participant

'Case Study from Leicester-Shire & Rutland Sport's 2017/18 Annual Review'

Tags: Featured, News, coaching, get active