The Team Leicestershire Football Finals come to a close for 2019!

Posted: Wed, 15 May 2019 09:15

The Team Leicestershire Football Finals come to a close for 2019!

The last Team Leicestershire Football Final of the 2019 series took place on Thursday, 9th May at Stoughton Road Playing Fields. This time it was the turn of the Year 7, 8/9, 10/11 and U18 Boys.

The finals kicked-off with Year 7's with a very strong game from Thomas Estley who finished with a 4-0 defeat over Castle Rock. The Year 8/9 Final between Brookvale Groby Learning Campus and De Lisle Academy was action-packed with Brookvale dominating ending a 9-1 victory. Next it was the turn of the Year 10/11's, with a very close match between Brockington College and De Lisle Academy, with De Lisle just managing to secure their second win with a final score of 6-7. The last final of the night was the U18 Boys, Robert Smyth V Brook House College with Brook House taking an impressive 7-2 victory.

Run in partnership with the Leicestershire and Rutland Schools Football Association, all four matches showed a high calibre of talent across each team, with sides picking up victories along the way.

The wins went to: Thomas Estley, Brookvale Groby, De Lisle Academy, Brook House College.

The full list of results are:

Year 7 - Winners: Thomas Estley

Runners-up: Castle Rock High

Year 8/9 Winners: Brookvale Groby Learning Campus

Runners-up: De Lisle Academy

Year 10/11 Winners: De Lisle Academy

Runners-up: Brockington College

U18 Boys Winners: Brook House College

Runners-up: Robert Smyth

Keep on top of all the action through our social media channels using #TeamLeicestershire! We will be providing coverage on our Twitter - @LR_Sport, Instagram @lrsportcsp and over on our Snapchat – LR_Sport!

Photographs from all the Finals are available to view on our Facebook page.

More information:

The Team Leicestershire Football Finals come to a close for 2019!

Tags: Featured, Football, News, Team Leicestershire