Active Lives Adult Survey - May 2018/19 Report

Health & Wellbeing*, Physical Activity, Social & Community*, Under Represented Groups*, Workforce*
Sub Themes
Mental Health, Physical Health, Deprivation, Ethnically Diverse Communities, Disability, Lower socio-economic groups, Females, Volunteering
Geographic Area
Adults, Older Adults
Sport / Activity
Mental Health
This report provides a comprehensive overview of adult (age 16+) sport and physical activity in England in the 12 months from May 2018 - May 2019. It also highlights the contribution made by volunteers, and the impact of taking part in sport and physical activity on wider outcomes.

Covering the 12 months from May 2018 to May 2019, the report provides an update on the sporting and physical activity behaviours of adults in England. It also highlights the contribution made by volunteers, and the impact of taking part in sport and physical activity on wider outcomes such as mental wellbeing and community development.

The results show that:

  • Over the last 12 months, the number of adults who are regularly active and meeting the Chief Medical Officer's guidelines of 150 minutes activity a week has increased by 539,500 – a total of 28.6m or 63.2% of the adult population.
  • This is the highest level of activity since we began Active Lives in 2015 – there are now 1 million more active people then there were at the beginning of our strategy – against our target of 500,000.
  • As well as over half a million more active people, the results also show a positive drop in the number of people who are inactive with 122,900 fewer people doing 30 minutes or less activity, compared to the previous 12 months. These are the lowest inactivity figures ever recorded.

The report contains links to the data tables.