Active Together Annual Review 2021/22

Date Published
Aug 2022
Active Together
Document Type
More Info
COVID-19 Recovery, Economic Impact, Education*, Health & Wellbeing*, Physical Activity, Physical Inactivity, Social & Community*, Strategy & Policy, Workforce*, Workplace Health
Sub Themes
Mental Health, Physical Health, Deprivation
Geographic Area
Regional, Leicestershire, Leicester & Rutland*
The document provides a snapshot of the work of the Active Together Board, team and partners and what we have done in partnership to encourage the communities in Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland to be physically active and move more.

The document provides a snapshot of the work of the Active Together Board, team and partners and what we have done in partnership to encourage the communities in Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland to be physically active and move more.

Look out for links in the document that take you to further information of some of the work we have undertaken together.